How IT Services Providers in San Diego Can Help Businesses Through the COVID-19 Outbreak

IT services San DiegoIT services providers in San Diego have helped companies maintain work at home operations during the coronavirus pandemic. IT experts can help firms develop and implement readiness plans for disasters such as the COVID-19 outbreak. As a remote guide through any crisis, your IT consultant can help transform your business into an operation that allows for remote workers.

When Social Distancing Is Necessary

The coronavirus crisis of 2020 led to the first widespread call for social distancing in America and other places throughout the world. For many traditional businesses, this order meant shutdown, whereas companies that already embraced mobility and remote work continued to be productive. While social distancing has been effective at limiting the spread of the virus, it has also taken a huge toll on businesses and the overall economy.

Remote work has been particularly helpful in the healthcare field, as many hospitals were already too over-crowded and under-staffed. By turning to telemedicine, patients were able to avoid visiting the doctor for long hospital waits and just communicated through a wearable or other mobile device.

Developing a Remote Workforce

The foundation for much of the remote work that has emerged this century has been cloud computing. The cloud serves as a hub between the employer and employee, who can log in to an account, check their work schedule and pick up assignments. Phone, email, messaging and video conferencing are all useful channels for connecting workers with supervisors for additional instructions.

Almost any work that can be done on a computer can be performed anywhere. The worker simply needs a network connection from their remote location. The work from home model is ideal for software programmers, web designers, graphic artists, marketers, and sales agents. Your IT team can develop this remote workplace for you while implementing strict security requirements for access.

Experienced IT services providers in San Diego can ensure your Wi-Fi network is private and secure. If you allow employees to use their own desktops and mobile devices from home, you’ll need to inform them about company privacy policies. You must guard against information leaks and make it clear that part of the device must be partitioned for office use only. The next step to building a remote workforce is to find appropriate software that allows for collaboration.


Partnering with an IT services provider in San Diego is a reliable way to maintain your operation in a crisis and pave a path toward developing work from home opportunities. Contact us now at Excedeo to learn more about IT solutions for business so that your employees can conduct work from any location.